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Wir unterstützen bei Bewerbungsschreiben und Jobsuche, bieten aber auch Unterstützung von Studierenden, insbesondere der Vermittlung von hochqualifizierten Studiensprachkursen.
Interessierte wenden sich bitte an
Peter Bruckmann, Email: peter.bruckmann(at)
Jochen Klönne, Email: hjkloenne(at)
Jobs & Bewerbungen
„Mein Weg in den Job“
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Jobs für geflüchtete Menschen auf Jobbö
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Die Jobbörse kann unter https://www.jobbö aufgerufen werden.
jobbö steht auch in enger Verbindung mit, der ersten Ausbildungs-und Arbeitsplatzbörse in Deutschland für Geflüchtete. Alle auf Workeer ausgeschriebenen Stellen werden auch unter www.jobbö veröffentlicht.
Die postalische Adresse: CareerNetwork jobbö GmbH, Philippsbergstr.36, 65195 Wiesbaden.

How to study at universities
Short guide for refugees and mentors
Prerequisites for Admission

To become a regular student, you will need:
- recognition as refugee by BAMF or the Fiktionsbescheinigung (for Ukrainiens)
- good knowledge of German (DSH certificate, corresponding to C1)
- qualifications (high school diploma, certificates of studies) which are regarded as equivalent to the German Abitur, which offer a „Hochschulzugangsberechtigung„ (HZB).
- A first orientation of equivalence offers the database
- For example, the Syrian high-school diploma is regarded as equivalent, if at a technical-scientific branch a score of at least 70% of the maximum level has been achieved. With a score between 60-70% or with diploma from the literally branch, the visit of a preparatory „Studienkolleg“ or preparatory courses at universities are required (see below).
- The same applies to high-school diploma from Persia or Afghanistan, which are generally not required as equivalent.
For Ukrainiens the diploma of further education (11 years of school visit „ Sridoctvo pro zdobuttja povnoji zahal noji serednji osvity (since 2019)) or older certificates are not regarded as equivalent without further studies. A visit of a preparatory „Studienkolleg“ for 1 year or preparatory courses at a university are required (see below). However, if you have successfully studied at an Ukrainian university or elsewhere, you can start your studies of the same subjects at a German university directly, DSH-certificate provided. You have to furnish proof of your studies (documents).
If possible, Ukrainian students should follow on-line courses at their Ukrainian universities in order to complete their first year of studies and to obtain a direct admission to German universities.
In order to facilitate the admission to the university or to the preparatory „Studienkolleg“ for Ukrainian students who recently arrived in Germany, an exemption has been granted by the German authorities. As no regular examinations for the diploma of further education could take place because of the Russian invasion, students having nearly finished their school can directly visit a „Studienkolleg“ or preparatory courses without the diploma of further education. Likewise, students who could not finish their first year of studies because of the war, can be admitted directly to the university, DSH certificate or language courses by the university provided.
Universities of arts such as the „Folkwang University“ at Essen require less knowledge of German.
A level of B1 or even A2 may be sufficient.
Generally, the „Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf“, Dez. 48, is responsible for the acknowledgement of foreign high school diploma ( For the Ukraine, Mrs. Eichel is responsible (Tel 0211 475 4661,
If you want to study medicine, you have to apply at a central site „“, and you need excellent marks. Generally, you should first visit a „ Studienkolleg“, which will prepare you for your studies. Only a share of 5% of all places for studies of medicine at German universities is reserved for foreign students.

Language courses
Language courses up to a level of B1 as part of the „ Integration courses“ are offered at language schools (see separate information „Sprachkurse an Sprachschulen“ with their coordinates). They are paid for by the BAMF or the Jobcenter, if you are an acknowledged refugee or with the „Fiktionsbescheinigung„ (for Ukrainiens). Refugies with full access to the German job market ( e.g. Ukrainiens) can also apply for a „Berufssprachkurs“ starting at the B1 level and leading up to C1, if necessary. These courses are also paid by BAMF or the Jobcenter.
Language courses leading to the DSH certificate (C1) within one year are offered by the „Studienkolleg Bochum“ and at some universities (see below).

Studienkolleg Bochum
The „Studienkolleg Bochum“ (, Tel. 0234-9388231, Girondelle 80, 4799 Bochum), has two missions:
a) preparatory courses (for one year, for technical or scientific subjects only, including courses in German) to obtain admission to the university (HZB), if your high school diploma are not regarded as equivalent
b) intensive language courses, leading up from zero to the DSH examination within one year. However , for these language courses you need the equivalence to the German Abitur (HZB).
The preparatory courses are free. For the intensive language courses, you have to pay a fee of 175€ per quintal (2.5 months).
This is the fastest way to obtain a C1 level of German, but you have to work hard. An entrance examination will classify you into the appropriate starting level (e.g. B1).
Also the other Studienkollegs in Germany prepare for the study of certain subjects. A survey of all Studienkollegs can be found here: However, a level of B1/B2 of the German language is necessary (will be checked by an entrance examination).
International offices of universities in or near Essen
- University Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr. 15, 45141 Essen
- you can contact the international office under, Tel. 0201 1833745.
- At present, the university Duisburg-Essen does not offer language or preparatory courses.
- However, Mr. Rasum will give you advice and will also check your certificates, whether they provide you with a direct admission to a German university (HZB).
- b) Ruhr Universität Bochum (RUB)
- you can contact the international office under or by phone (Mrs. Mona Serdani, 0234 3222388).
- You can submit your certificates (high school diploma, documents of your studies etc; a translation in German, English or French is required) to, where the documents will be evaluated for equivalence.
- The RUB offers preparatory courses, including language courses, within the „ Integra Program“, which starts in April and August of each year. The language courses lead to a level of C1 (DSH examination).
- c) University of applied science Ruhr West at Mülheim
- You can contact the international office under or under or by phone (0208 88254205).
- Under the label „Studienintegrationsprogramm SIP“, the university of applied science offers language courses which prepare for studies starting at A1 level and leading up to C1 (DSH examination).
- You can contact the SIP program and apply for admission by uploading your documents under

Admission to a university
- If you have fulfilled the conditions mentioned above and want to enroll as a regular student, you generally have to use the data system „ Uni Assist“ for an application to any German university, with the exception of medicine, where you have to use the data system „“ for application.
- On „ Uni Assist“, you have to upload your documents and your CV and you can choose one or several universities for application.
- However, students from foreign countries outside the European Union can apply directly for admission at several universities without using“ Uni Assist“.
- You should contact the international office of your chosen university first and ask them which way of application is appropriate.
Guest student
Even without an admission to a university, you may apply for enrollment as guest student at the university free of charge. The following list offers lectures open to guest students:örer. You can also choose lectures from the general „Vorlesungsverzeichnis“, but you will need the consent of the lecturer. The International office will help you. Particularly in science and technology, several lectures will also be presented in the English language.
Studies in the English language at some German universities
Some German universities such as TU München, Uni Bonn, Uni Hamburg, TH Hamburg, TU Darmstadt, Uni Münster, Uni Heidelberg, Uni Potsdam, Uni Göttingen, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg offer studies in the English language for some subjects such as applied biology, molecular ecosystem sciences, or international field geo sciences.
If you are interested, you should contact the international offices of these universities for details and the conditions for admission.
Generally, the DSH certificate for German is not required for courses of studies in English. However, often only „ Master courses“ are offered in English, and you will have to provide a bachelor degree from your home university in the same subject.
Also some private universities offer studies in English, for example in economics, but you will have to pay considerable fees.
Studies of medicine in English are only offered by the „Universitätsmedizin Neumarkt“, but you will have to pay a fee of 12500€ per half-year.
If you have any queries to the information above, you can also contact me by mail (peter.bruckmann(at) or phone: 0201406282. I shall try to answer your questions.
Ukrainian students and scientists
The DAAD (German academic exchange service) has published extensive information for students and scientists and covers themes such as scholarships, jobs at universities, help by German and international universities, admission to universities, acknowledgement of diploma and certificates and a contact form for questions and individual advice.
The link is printed here:
The preface in Ukrainian language reads as follows:
Національний академічний контактний центр для України
Ласкаво просимо до Німеччини!
Шановні українські студенти та дослідники, на цьому веб-сайті ми хотіли б запропонувати вам першу орієнтацію в Німеччині і, особливо, в німецькій системі вищої освіти та наукових досліджень. Також ми пропонуємо вам огляд різноманітних пропозицій допомоги в академічній сфері.
Цей сайт не заміняє індивідуальні консультації. Якщо в вас виникають подальші запитання, звертайтеся, будь ласка, до нашого консультаційного центру, але також вам допоможуть і міжнародні офіси німецьких вишів.